Elevate your event with ZSOUND LA110 line array speakers, ensuring every note resonates perfectly in any indoor setting. Ideal for restaurant sound systems and beyond.
Be a part of the audio revolution with ZSOUND's LA110 and LA110S at the Cincinnati concert. Designed for professional concert sound systems, these speakers will redefine your indoor speaker experience.
Experience crystal-clear audio at press conferences with ZSOUND's PA system, featuring 6 LC10 line arrays, 4 LA18S subwoofers, and 4 P12 speakers for a comprehensive sound solution in Thailand.
ZSOUND LC10 line array speaker ensures crystal-clear sound for 500 guests at a South Korean indoor event. Discover the compact line array that delivers big on audio performance.
VCX dual 14 inch 3 way line array speaker systems amplified a live band show, ensuring rich, clear sound reached the entire audience with its high-sensitivity neodymium drivers and powerful amplification.
Unveil the exceptional audio experience at Thailand's Fangjai 10 Year event with ZSOUND's VCL line arrays, SW218 subwoofers, LC10, and CP15 speakers, delivering powerful sound for a memorable double-stage performance.
Experience the power and precision of ZSOUND's third-generation flagship VCX line array system, which delivered a superlative audio experience to Guangzhou's touring performance.
The vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, recently pulsated with the rhythm of a grand concert designed to captivate a crowd of 3,000. ZSOUND's expansive audio system, featuring the dual 12-inch line array VCL and the dual 18-inch subwoofer SW218, ensured that every beat resonated with crystal clarity.
Dive into the acoustic experience at Nepal's Hymns Music indoor performance, where the ZSOUND LA210 line array system delivered powerful, clear sound for 1500 attendees with its dual 10-inch configuration and exceptional coverage.
Embrace the power of sound at BNRCA with ZSOUND's LA110 and LA110S. These compact, high-transient line arrays ensure every note of worship resonates deeply, offering a versatile audio solution for a truly immersive church service.
Dive into the story of Qingdao University's graduation ceremony, where ZSOUND's LA212, LA110, and M15 systems created an unforgettable auditory experience, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere.
At the 'OST in my heart' Indoor Concert, a 10-inch Line Array and 18-inch Subwoofer Sound System delivers an emotional and immersive audio experience. Discover the perfect blend of clarity and depth, crafted for intimate concerts by LC10 and PO-SUBK..